Saturday 5 April 2014


Now this one might be of interest for people to seek out! For two reasons and that is that it is a lighter green the the normal viridis dissectum and also it can take much more sunlight, rather curiously, than the other Maples and that includes the other Dissectums!

Oh and the fact it goes a really nice orange-red in the Autumn would not be sniffed at either!

Here are some shots and bear in mind that this Maple is in a position where it receives far more sunlight than any of the others and this is near the house and away from big trees in a south facing garden!!

I can see everyone that has every burnt a Japanese Maple to a crisp now scrabbling around the backs of the cushions on the sofa for that pen that went missing?! Lol!

My Acer palmatum Dissectum Seiryu ...

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